On April 14, 2023 General Construction Consulting Joint Stock Company - NAGECCO held the 2023 annual general meeting of shareholders for the term 2022-2027 with the participation of 35 shareholders attending the meeting and 76 authorized shareholders. representing 2,671,443 shares, accounting for 94.231% of the total voting shares. Pursuant to the provisions of the Enterprise Law and the company's charter, the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of General Construction Consulting Joint Stock Company is legal, valid and qualified to conduct.

- The Congress voted and unanimously approved the following contents:
- Report on production and business results in 2022 and production and business plan in 2023.
- Report on the Board of Directors' performance results in 2022 and operating directions in 2023.
- Report on the performance of the Supervisory Board in 2022 and operating direction in 2023.
- Audited financial statements for 2022.
- Proposal for profit and dividend distribution plan in 2022.
- Remuneration report for the Board of Directors and Supervisory Board in 2022, plan for 2023.
- Proposal for selecting an auditing unit for the 2023 financial statements.
The 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, term 2022-2027 took place successfully.